This Mothers day, we want you to know that you deserve the equal care
Motherhood has been defined as the state of being a mother. Mothers play a crucial part when it comes to child-rearing. It’s a diversified character played by her with the deepest care, utmost attention, and unconditional love right from birth until a child reaches adult age. Why her involvement is so important? I would say it`s very important as this responsibility involves the physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and advancement in various stages of a child’s life while raising.
To accomplish any good role, the overall development of an individual is essential. The same applies to Motherhood. This time on the occasion of Mother’s Day, Mommypure has come up with some special information for all our lovely ladies that can be useful in various stages of their lives. As mentioned earlier, any nurturing starts from childhood, so our Mommies are no exemption to it. Let us get into more details.

Childhood, a right for good Nutrition and Education.
This is the age where the development of the body and certain organs takes place. So, right and adequate nutrition has to be taken care of in the form of essential vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, various elements like iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc. Good nourishment, decent education will not only empower her with social skills but also develop her confidence, self-respect, and right decision making.
This phase, a transition to adulthood calls for good parenting. It brings along the physical, sexual, emotional, and social changes. Physical cleanliness should be attended timely due to over perspiration, and hyperactive sebaceous glands that lead to oily skin, oily scalp, and outbursts of acne. Menstruation training should be done since it presents some abdominal discomfort, pain, mood fluctuations,
headaches, vaginal discharge, itching, and probable infections.
Seeking doctor’s care is advisable at times as it may prove to be valuable in good puberty training, mental supporting and a better understanding of sexual changes. This visit will also take care of any medical conditions like iron deficiency and hormonal imbalances like thyroid disorder, PCOD’s, etc. It should also be noted that at this age a girl could be vulnerable to physical and sexual harassment. Good teaching of the do’s and don’ts on this matter will take care of her from any future troubles. Parents need to be supportive, available, and easy to communicate with their girls at this stage.
Pregnancy and postnatal care.
It’s the most adorable and welcome period in any female’s life. Once pregnancy is confirmed seek your doctor’s appointment. Take prescription medications on time, never self-prescribe. Include fresh fruits, greens, vegetables, whole grain variations, dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt, proteins like lean meat, chicken, fish, pulses, nuts, beans, etc., carbs such as bread, pasta, rice, etc., and cold- pressed oils like olive, safflower, sunflower, groundnut, sesame, and
coconut. Stay away from raw, uncooked meat and be vigilant on food handling. Maintain good hygiene in terms of hand washing, using sterile utensils and crockery, pet handling, consuming fruits and veggies after thorough washing/cooking. You should cut down on alcohol, caffeine, and avoid smoking altogether. You can do some prenatal yoga, brisk walking, exercises under supervision, and mild stretching. A gentle massage on and off will take care of your sleep and relax you simultaneously. Stay happy and avoid stress. Seek some elderly care for your emotional needs, its good! Post-delivery, adhere
to your doctor’s advice. Pay timely visits for check-ups of yourself and your baby. Always be punctual on immunization schedules. Eat healthier foods, have adequate rest, and sleep well. Ensure good hygiene. Emotional changes during this period are common. Irritability, depression, low feeling, anxiety, anger, negative thoughts, over-concern regarding baby, etc. Physical discomfort like pain, bleeding, muscle soreness, palpitations, tingling is also witnessed at
times. Seeking medical advice can ease out all the emotional and physical worries.
The bottom line is, “Respect your concerns and always get them attended by those experts on the subject”.

Continuation of self-care during motherhood.
Your responsibility towards yourself doesn’t end after becoming a mother. You also undergo certain changes once the menopause stage hits in. It would be wise enough to continue the decorum of a healthy diet, meditation, recreational trip/outing, sunbathing, good exercises, regular health check-ups, meeting friends, involving in hobbies and activities alike.
This Mother’s day we at Mommy pure wish all our lovely ladies who are already Moms and those who will be, a very happy, healthy, and best time of good self-care and happy parenting. After all, your happiness, good health, optimum physical and emotional energies are a way to provide and promote the finest care and support to all those who rely on you, Mommies.