How to prepare for your baby’s first flight

Every moment spent with your honeybees is beautiful and worth remembering. There are many travel modes you encounter with your baby while he/she is growing up. But one most challenging facet in travel could be flying with a baby. Your flight with your cupcake could be an overwhelming experience but it can also bring along some unwanted anxiety and nervousness.
Most of the travel plans are usually vacation trips. And we know that you want to enjoy every bit of this recreation trip with your newbie. While you are busy planning your destination and preparing your hotel and flight bookings, certain questions are likely to be in the back of your mind, as in, What is the best age for a baby to fly? How are you going to handle your baby in flight? What are the possible situations that may arise? What all is needed to make sure that the trip is a memorable one, of course on a happy note?
Oh! do you still have some more worries popping up? Sit back, relax mommies and daddies. Baby in-flight tips, yeah this is all that is needed to help you out and Mommypure is here with it.
Before we guide on the tips, let's cover the most important topic first.

The best age for a baby’s flight.
Age consideration is crucial in your travel plan. Most importantly it is the fitness of your baby that matters. Babies below 3 months of age have a weak immune system. Exposure to various germs is inevitable. It is advisable to seek your baby’s doctor’s advice if travel at this age is inevitable. Above 3 until 9 months is the ideal age as the immunity gets better, babies are still immobile and feeding is easier. This is a comparatively relaxed phase in handling your little buds. After 9 months, starts the crawling stage. While one needs to be seated as per norms your baby may be all excited to explore the place and the crowd. He/ she may just want to wriggle out of your arms or run around the aisle, into a crawling expedition. Watch out, it may bring anxiety or outburst of tantrums if the demands are unattended. Moreover, there is high probability of them getting squirmy or overpowering. Pity parents, such tender minds do not have the understanding of discipline and well-mannered behaviors. Hence, until 18 months it could be quite challenging to handle as little bees run around, want to be by themselves and they are still too small to cope up with the rules of air travel. Generally, after 18 months things get easier. Food habits are better and your cupcakes start getting accustomed to people around plus they follow your requests and instructions amicably.
Smart Bookings
Plan the destination and make the bookings well in advance. Also, consider your baby’s sleep/nap schedule. If possible, coincide the flight time with that schedule. The hassle of managing your baby will be less and it will be a comfortable journey. When it comes to seating arrangements, a window seat is preferrable to give you and your baby your own private corner. Don’t forget to checkout if there are any travel policies involved during your flight.
Packing woes
You may want everything to be packed for your baby out of love. Well, keep in mind your flight duration. So, stuff only those items that would be needed inside the cabin. This list can have diapers, wipes, napkins, formula feed, bottles, water, juices, stroller/car seat, swaddle blanket, teethers, and one of their favorite rattle/toy.
Accessible documents
Ensure you have all related papers and documents in hand so you don’t have the added stress of searching when those are required. Make a small pouch of it for quick and easy reach. This could be passport, birth-certificate, visa, Identity card, medical certificate (in case if the baby is unwell), etc.
Take-off and landing care
The fluctuations in the air pressure can get uncomfortable for your baby. So, nurse your baby/ bottle feed or give them a nipple sucker/pacifier to keep him/her relaxed.

Adequate nourishment
Your cupcake can get exhausted in this running job. Take care of feeds before boarding the flight. The cool and dry atmosphere in the flight ends up in dehydration. So, there is no harm in giving additional feeds when demand arises. This will keep your little twinkle well-hydrated and nourished tummy result into happy and calm babies.
Helping hands
You can request at the check-in counters to arrange for a helper to assist you in your baggage handling. In the cabin the attendants can be requested to aid you in swaddling/diaper change/getting formula feeds ready. Don’t hesitate. There is no harm is asking even if it is something silly or minor need related to your munchkin. Afterall, two heads are better than one.
Overlook the unpleasant stares
It is not surprising to encounter those harsh and angry stares when your baby gets finicky or uncontrollable. Stay relaxed and focus on your little bud. Your baby needs your attention. So, ignore the stary eyes can manage themselves.

Those extras
It is good to carry a pair of clothes for both, you and your baby. Soiling turbulence can be unpleasant but isn’t unexpected. You can go for a diaper change before hitting the air cabin. A favorite toy can turn out to be a good travel mate for your apple pie. Keep your baby’s clothing comfortable.
The bottom line is, Babies are not adults; they have their own behavioral ways. All you need is to Stay Relaxed and with the above tips and pre-arrangements, we are pretty sure that it would be your best flight with your bumblebee. A journey worth remembering. Happy Flying!