Dos and Donts for Pregnant women in the Pandemic
The feeling of giving birth to a newborn in a pandemic especially for the first-timers is both an exciting and nerve-wracking experience.We are hit with this biggest pandemic and everything has come to a standstill. The yoga classes, walk in the park, cravings for ice creams, Gol Gappa, everything has stopped because of a nanometre-sized virus.
Mental peace and happiness are converted into fear and hysteria of trying to be safe and healthy during the pandemic.Here are some do’s and Don’ts for pregnant women in the pandemic for smooth delivery and passing of all trimesters.
- The visits to the gynaec and scans have been turned into a mission. You have to be careful about not touching anything and get back home clean and sanitize yourself. It is good to take a bath after you are home.
- Practice basic breathing exercises and prenatal yoga under your yoga instructor to help increase the chance of natural delivery and gives a big-time relief to the body. Do not overdo and rest when your body asks for it.
- Continue to walk inside the house.
- Stay hydrated and eat healthy food. It is good to meditate. Try to connect to your baby every day. Enjoy those flicker movements in your tummy.
- Get as much rest as you can. Relax with a book and soft music.
- Be in constant contact with your doctor if you have any urgent medical question.
- Take more immune boosters like citrus fruits, honey, turmeric, ginger etc.
- Prefer telephonic conversation for routine hospital visits, minor queries.
- Try to work from home if possible
- When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with the bent elbow.
- Don’t do any strenuous exercise. No bouncing, jumping, leaping or jerky movements.
- Avoid Outside food. If at all you are consuming outside food, look out for a hygienic place.
- Don’t smoke or drink. Alcohol can affect the foetus. Smoking cigarettes can harm both the baby and mother. It will create an issue in the placenta.
Don’t get more into the news/social media which will create panic inside you. Remember no stress is the key to a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid meeting people who are sick or who have been exposed to the virus.
Avoid Touching your face with unwashed hands. Wash your hands after you touch any foreign objects. It is important to maintain hand, face and respiratory hygiene.
Avoid Large Gatherings or celebrations for cultural rituals.
Avoid Public transportation. Use only private vehicles if the need arises.
- Avoid or restrict home visitors including house help, maids, cooks etc.

Remember this is just a phase and you are blessed with an angel in the womb.
We all are in this together to bring a new happy world again.
Stay Home! Stay Healthy! Stay Safe!