Fatherhood, then and now: The evolution into a modern-day father
Yes, you do it every day, being a Dad to your lovely cupcakes. For any child, if any relationship stands just next to his/her mother then it would be that of a Father. It’s a beautiful bond. It means a lot to be a Father.
The role of a father has dramatically shifted and significantly progressed over the past few centuries. Previously from being a wild hunter in the deep green to venturing out in the high roaring sea for fishing, sweating it out in the farms or fighting huge battles for the sake of his country, running the legacy through inheritance from his forefathers, leaving for offshore jobs or carrying forward the family trade notifies the leadership trends of a man in his family besides the meeting of every need for the family’s survival in terms of finances.
But with the advent of the 21st century, there was a dramatic shift in the role of a father and it significantly progressed in terms of the responsibility of his children and raising them not only on financial terms. This major change could be attributed to a better understanding of gender equality. The child-rearing got more flexible, the traditional functions got improvised with modernization and ultimately started involving both the parents. Women were no longer seen as homemakers and men as sole income earners. Child raising is not perceived as teamwork and no longer subjective or based on inherited concepts.
So now let’s elaborate on the role of a Father in this modern-day society and how important it is in your child’s life. The relationship of a father with a child has an impact on the physical and psychological upbringing. The term father is not restricted to biological ones. He could be the father of adoptive kids, a step-father, or a complete outsider.
As a Father, you are the first male person to be set as a Role Model for your child. A healthy relationship with your child built a great deal of confidence in having a healthy relationship with men in their adulthood. Moreover, it positively impacts your kid’s self-esteem and psychological behaviors as they grow up.
How you can contribute to being a role model
- Be kind and compassionate
Love your kids, shower your kindness and show empathy without any expectation from them. Persuade for their right actions but discourage for any wrongdoings
- Forgive them
Understand and give your kid always another chance. Communicate with them, explain to them the pro and cons of those occurrences, and let them know their limitations
- Set rules and be disciplined
Make a healthy decorum of the daily family routine. Follow rules with discipline and do not get carried away by their soft pleas. Indulgence in any kind of physical punishment and violence would only make them aggressive and deter them from accepting your guiding principles

- Make them feel safe
They are no longer in their mother’s womb so be with them at any age and any phase of their lives. You are the best guardian/protector that any child looks forward to. Let them be assured that they are always secure with your presence in their lives
- Do not enforce your philosophies
Kids may not accept all that you wish them to. So, instead of reinforcing your ideologies directly make them understand with proper reasoning. Appreciate their views and contributions, all that is within healthy boundaries
- Respect them irrespective of their age
Just they are kids and dependent on you doesn’t mean they have to accept any wrong behaviors by you or anybody else. They are humans too, size and age are the only concerns
- Have fun with them
Get involved in their playtime, make them smile, and bring your childhood craziness back again
- Guide them in handling tough situations and conflicts
Train them with your expertise in tackling difficult circumstances. Be with them in their little struggles of life. They need you as a pillar of their lives
- Set limitations in splurging on them
You toll hard to meet the financial ends meet and simultaneously you want to bring the world down their feet. Clarify to them the value of your hardship. This will make them appreciate your every little effort for them and will also inculcate a habit to save money and plan finances well later in their life
- Help them learn to be accountable
Let them be answerable for any of their actions. This value if, learned during early childhood would help them evolve as better individuals
- Respect your partner
It’s ok at times not to agree with your partner or you get upset when things don’t go your way. But never show any hatred or disgrace to your partners. Get issues sorted amicably. It’s easy for your kids to imbibe your approach and attitude towards difficult situations and people
- Take part in family chores, if you both are working
So be it doing the laundry or cleaning the house, help your partner. It reflects your teamwork and respect for your partner’s freedom and career
- Spend time in their academic activities
Visit your kid’s schools, attend their PTM, and assist them in their school project. They will definitely feel happy about it.

What a lovely part of being a Father yet so very responsible!
So, while you gear up to nurture your honey bees, remember it is the quality of the relationship that is substantial. Hence, get into the action mode and be their teacher, counsellor, mentor, and moreover a Good Friend to be trusted and relied on, Always!
Keep up your good work, we Mommypure cherish it and sure all the lovely mommies do it as well.